kunstknall was launched in 2004 to present the artistic work of students, alumni, teachers and emeriti of the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden (HfBK Dresden).
With a history of over 250 years, the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts is one of the oldest training institutions for fine arts in Europe. Its autonomy is based on the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of art and freedom of education and research in art and science.
The HfBK Dresden was founded as the “Haupt-Kunst-Akademie” (Main Art Academy) in 1764 and has a long tradition of teaching the arts, artistic craftsmanship, preservation of cultural heritage, restoration and conservation.
© HfBK Dresden | Andreas Seeliger

© HfBK Dresden | Andreas Seeliger
Over the more than 250 years of its existence, the conception of artistic and scientific teaching and the entire artistic field have constantly been changing and expanding.
To facilitate this transformation process, art and science must be open and free creative spaces of aesthetic and discursive experience and practice.
Understanding art as a space for expressing diverse perspectives, perceptions and ideas means promoting an international, decolonising, gender-open and feminist doctrine, which, recognising our rich yet problematic history, regenerates and expands art and science with new insights, experiences and forms of practice.
Approximately 550 students are currently enrolled in the study programmes of Fine Arts, Art Technology, Preservation and Restoration of Artistic and Cultural Assets, Stage Setting and Costume Design, Theatre Setting (technical college) and the postgraduate programme Art Therapy.
This course profile is complemented by the subject areas of Art History, Philosophy/Aesthetics, Architecture and Interior Design, Applied Theatre Studies/Production Dramaturgy as well as Artistic Anatomy.
The key goal of our educational programme is to pave the way for multi-talented, creative personalities whose capabilities exceed the limits of their respective core discipline.
The individual fields of study are spread over three different locations in Dresden.
© HfBK Dresden | Dorothée Billard